EULLearN - European Univesity Lifelong Learning Network
EULLearN is a European Thematic Network under Socrates Institutional Contract, set up in response to the Commission's Communication "Making a European Area of Lifelong Learning a Reality".
EULLearN aspires to identify coherent strategies and practical measures to foster university lifelong learning. It aims at more cohesive and economical use of existing instruments and resources. The traditional systems must be transformed to become much more open and flexible for the learners to have individual pathways of learning that match their needs and interests, and, thus, to take the genuine advantage of equal opportunities in the course their lives.
EULLearN is comprised by more than 100 partner institutions in 31 countries, coordinated by ISM University of Management and Economics, Lithuania.
This Thematic Network supports the exchange of good practices and experiences and the identification of common problems, ideas and priorities through the work of three Targeted Thematic Groups (EULLearN TTGs):
- TTG A - LLL Methods and Environments, Common Core References, Lifelong Learning Materials
- TTG B - National University Lifelong Learning Networks and European Co-operation
- TTG C - Accreditation in LLL, Tuning, APEL and ECATS in LLL
More information about EULLearN Thematic Network can be found at: www.eullearn.net