The added value of ICT in education, also in formal and non-formal education in Romania, is promoted and monitored by TEHNE through various instruments - from field action-research to advanced web-based tools:
Evaluation of the Romanian "ICT-based Education System" programme
The evaluation research of SEI programme (ICT-Based Education System, initiated by MoE in 2001) was developed between August 2007- May 2008 by the Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences (University of Bucharest), in collaboration with the Institute for Education, with the Centre for Innovation in Education (TEHNE Romania) and with the Association for Education Sciences (ASTED).
The evaluation has served a triple purpose:
- To determine to which the extent the SEI objectives have been met.
- To estimate the value and the effects of the SEI Programme.
- To collect information and to make recommendations with regard to the continuation and/or the improvement of the SEI Programme and other similar programmes.
The three categories of subjects investigated - beneficiaries of the national informatization programme - had composed a representative sample for targeted population. The investigation was developed on samples of 3.953 students, 1.588 teachers and 195 principals.
This investigations revealed the following aspects: (a) to what degree different types of schools are provided with computers and other equipment, (b) students' and teachers' access to the new technologies, (c) to what degree these technologies are used (d) the impact the use of the new technologies had in the beneficiaries' view (managers, teachers, students), including different kinds of problems which require interventions/ solutions, as well as human/technological/ financial resources.
The evaluation report is available on:
ICT-Based Education System: S.E.I. Programme in Romania. Evaluation Research Report - EvalSEI 2008 (1,3 Mb)
Informatizarea sistemului de invatamant: Programul SEI. Raport de cercetare evaluativa - EvalSEI 2008 (1,6 Mb)
Other info:
Evaluation of Student Voice Romania project

Student Voice Romania platform
The Student Voice project, developed by British Council Romania, is aiming to enhance students' knowledges, capacities, attitudes and values through (re)creating of a diversity of social practices within an secured online learning medium, facilitating the development of pupils' necessary competences for acting in the modern society, a knowledge society.
Subjects approached by the high-school pupils within the Student Voice discussion forum reflects, on one hand, their interest in colaborating with colleagues from other schools to offer realistic solutions to concrete issues they encounter day by day in their education institution and, on the other hand, their willingness to assume the challenges launched by the Ministry of Education and Research, British Council Romania, the Institute for Education Sciences and education NGOs. The question "What do you want your school to look like in the future?", addressed by the State Secretary for Preuniversity Education, was the start for the students in revealing their vision about different components of the education system and process.
The project evaluation reports, elaborated by TEHNE, are available for download:
Student Voice Romania. Report 2006. (in English, 628 Kb)
Student Voice Romania. Raport 2007. (Romanian only - 1.067 Kb)
Impact analysis of the project "Democratic Citizenship"

"Democratic Citizenship" project was implemented by Centrul Educația 2000+
"Democtratic Citizenship" project, initiated and implemented by the foundation Centre Education 2000+, has responded to a series of needs identified through the analysis of relevant studies upon the evolution of social and political life in Romania. Therefore, the project aimed to increase the level of citizens' participation to public, political and social life, to develop transparent and efficient mechanisms of communication between political& administrative staff and citizens, to increase the advocacy capacity of organisations at national and local level, to lever the associative life of social stakeholders.
The impact study, developed by TEHNE, is available for download (right click - Save target as...):
Proiectul Cetățenie democratică. Analiză calitativă a impactului. Raport 2006. (Romanian only - 1.067 Kb)
Romanian Elearning Fora

elearning forum project website
Romanian Elearning Fora (elearning REF.) gathers practitioners and researchers in elearning area. The exchange of information, best practices and ideas between the opinion-leaders involved shapes the theoretical and practical domain of using ICTs for teaching and learning at an Internet distance.
A web-based platform for communication, including relevant documents and references, articles and studies, was set up by TEHNE - the initiator of the project, in partnership with the Institute for Education Sciences, on domain.
The evaluation of AEL project set up by the Ministry of Education and Research & SIVECO Romania

Advanced eLearning
Initiated during the 2004 with the support of the Ministry of Education and Research, the investigation developed by TEHNE had as main objective the revealing of the impact produced by the use of Information and Communication Technologies on the Romanian education system, regarding both its actors (students, teachers, managers) and the resources engaged in this process, with a special focus on the shifts in teaching and learning.
Available for download (Romanian only):
Raport sintetic preliminar
Raport final: Impactul formativ al utilizarii AEL în educatie
The reports are available also on the Ministry of Education and Research website:
1educat website
| consists in an online tool used to provide continuous support for teaching and training staff, along with counselling and guidance for graduated students in accessing labour market and further education programmes. As a project, was set up in 1999 by Association for Excellence in Career, benefiting for later support from the Ministry of Education, the Institute for Education Sciences, TEHNE, and other NGOs and for-profit companies. Today, is an information node for continuous education market, keeping track of and contact with over 100 training companies in Romania, providing up-to-date information about 1500 courses for continuous development.
Within the project, TEHNE is developing the "Resources for Teaching and Training" section, collaborating with trainers in continuous training programs and teachers in formal education all over the country.
eLiT Education Network

elit-education project website
eLiT Education is a project initiated and supported by British Council Romania, aiming to create a community of practice, whose members share different professions, but mutual interests and similar competency patrimonies, in order to start a continuous exchange of ideas and experiences among the involved actors in Romania and the UK.
The eLiT Education project intends to set up task groups and a network of partnership among people and organizations that want to contribute with their experience, expertise and know-how on an ongoing bases in the following areas:
- promoting/piloting best ICT tools for the Romanian educational system
- training of teachers in the use of ITC assisted learning
- alternative learning environments with an important ICT component
- effective use of ITC across the curriculum
- impact of ICT on modernising the existing traditional pedagogical approaches and didactics
TEHNE is an active partner within the eLiT Network, carrying out the "Impact of ICTs in education" component. For this purpose, it involves pre-tertiary and higher education teachers, experts and professionals working in education and connected fields; policy makers; educational software providers; other stakeholders (such as NGO or opinion leaders) who are interested in the situation and future trends characterising the sector.
Online courses

Academia Online
The elearning system Academia Online is the Romanian model of integration of new information technologies and communication into education systems, based on didactic, psychological principles and consequent with the European standards. Various institutions, from NGOs to IT companies or public institutions use Academia Online as a platform to publish their own courses, targeting more than 15.000 online students. The bridge created between the facilitators (belonging to these institutions) and students constitute a premise for students to cope with changes and requests of the real labour market.
TEHNE has started a process of developing online courses for in-service teacher training. The first online course created by TEHNE is already available on Academia Online elearning platform.