About us
TEHNE - Center for Development and Innovation in Education
Bucharest - Romania
TEHNE - Center for Development and Innovation in Education is a NGO non-profit organization, aiming to support educational initiatives through projects and programs covering areas of non-formal education, formal curriculum development, education for democratic citizenship, education through ICTs, elearning, lifelong learning, and in-service teacher training. As a non-governmental organisation, without political purposes, TEHNE promotes the European principles and values in the field of education through innovative approaches and technologies.
The expertise of TEHNE as an active Romanian NGO in the field of education is built through the experience of experts' boards, involved by TEHNE in its educational programs: researchers, academics, practitioners, combining different types of expertise: from grass-root level to decision-making.
High-level experience of TEHNE is reflected by the partnerships with different types of institutions - governmental, non-governmental, private and public.
- TEHNE is a member of SEE-ECN, supporting the network in local research and projects. SEE ECN (South East Europe Education Cooperation Network) is developed by Centre for Educational Policy Studies (Slovenia) and KulturKontakt (Austria), within the framework of the Stability Pact for South-East Europe. The project is developing systematic on-line presentations of educational systems in the countries of South East Europe in comparison with the systems of other, mainly European countries. Thus, the project is improving access to information on main changes in the educational systems of particular countries. It improves access to research, legislation, documents, information sets etc. and presents individual experts and institutions. All the data and information are available on the web and are gradually provided in languages of the region covered by the project. (www.see-educoop.net)
- TEHNE is a partener of EULLearN (European University Lifelong Learning Network) a Socrates Erasmus Thematic Network aimed at identifying coherent strategies and practical measures to foster university lifelong learning. This Thematic Network supports the exchange of good practices and experiences and the identification of common problems, ideas and priorities. (www.eullearn.net)
- TEHNE is a member of European Foundation for Quality in eLearning, an initiative of European Commission funded by the Triangle project, aiming to enhance the quality of eLearning and ICT in education programmes in Europe. (www.qualityfoundation.org)
- TEHNE is the initiator and an active member of eLearning.Romania programme, a national initiative aiming to gather all the stakeholders in the area of using ICT for education and training. (www.elearning.ro)
Institutional profile: TEHNE Romania - Centre for Innovation and Development in Education