European Institutions and Networks
- Ministry of Education and Research
- Institute for Education Sciences
- Social IT
- National Foundation for Community Development
- University of Bucharest
- Universitatea de Medicina si Farmacie "Carol Davila"
- University "Politehnica" of Bucharest
- University Valahia- Târgoviºte
- University Spiru Haret
- University Andrei ªaguna
- University Constantin Brâncuºi Târgu-Jiu
- University Petre Andrei
- British Council Romania
- Royal Netherlands Embassy in Bucharest
- Cultural Centre of the Embassy of United States in Bucharest
- Center Education 2000+
- SIVECO România
- Softwin
- InsideMedia
- House of the Teaching Staff Bacãu
- House of the Teaching Staff Mureº
- House of the Teaching Staff Cluj
- School Inspectorate Bucureºti
- County School Inspectorate Bihor
- County School Inspectorate Botoºani
- County School Inspectorate Bacãu
- County School Inspectorate Brãila
- Österreichische Nationalagentur Lebenslanges Lernen (Austrian National Agency for Lifelong Learning)
- European Union Experts - EUE-AISBL
- European Forum for Technical and Vocational Education and Training (www.efvet.org)
- Ministere de la Communauté française (Ministry of the French-speaking Community)
- Ministerie van Onderwijs en Vorming, Departement Onderwijs en Vorming (Ministry of Education and Training, Department of Education and Training)
- eTwinning Koordinierungsstelle in der DG
- Foundation for the Management of European Lifelong Learning Programmes
- Union of Cyprus Journalists (www.esk.org.cy)
Czech Republic
- Dùm zahranièních služeb – Národní agentura pro evropské vzdìlávací programy (Centre for International Services - National Agency for European Educational Programmes)
- UNI-C (Danish IT Centre for Education and Research) - http://www.uni-c.dk/generelt/english/index.html
- Danish Institute for Human Rights (www.humanrights.dk)
- Historiefabrikken - Story Factory Ltd. (www.historiefabrikken.dk)
- Statens Padagogiske Forsogscenter - National Innovative Centre of General Education (www.inet-spf.dk)
- Friedrich-Alexander University of Erlangen-Nuremberg (www.fim.uni-erlangen.de)
- Berufsfortbildungswerk des DGB GmbH - Competence Center EUROPA (www.bfw.EU.com)
- Schulen ans Netz e.V. (Schools online) - www.etwinning.de
- Educatio Társadalmi Szolgáltató Nonprofit Kft. - Digitális Pedagógia Osztály (Educatio Public Services Non-profit LLC - Digital Education Department)
- Al?jó?askrifstofa háskólastigsins (Office of International Education) - www.etwinning.is
- Agenzia Nazionale per lo Sviluppo dell'Autonomia Scolastica (ex Indire) (National Agency for the Development of School Autonomy) - www.programmallp.it/etwinning
- Research Centre and Advanced Service Provider for Education and Training (SCIENTER) (www.scienter.org)
- University of Bologna (www.unibo.it)
- Research Centre for Cultural Development (www.cscs.it)
- Association for Culture, Sport and Leisure (ACSI) (www.acsi.it)
- Municipality of Grosseto
- Fondazione Labos (www.fondazionelabos.org)
- Valsts agentura "Jaunatnes starptautisko programmu agentura" Agency for International Programs for Youth) - www.etwinning.lv
- Junior Achievement Latvia (www.jal.lv)
- Švietimo ir mokslo ministerija, Švietimo informaciniu technologiju centras (Centre of Information Technologies in Education, Ministry of Education and Science) - (www.etwinning.lt)
- ANEFORE asbl - Agence Nationale pour le programme européen d’éducation et de formation tout au long de la vie - (www.eTwinning.lu)
- Directorate for Quality and Standards in Education, Curriculum Management and eLearning Department
Contact: Amanda Debattista - (etwinning.skola.edu.mt)
- Fundacja Rozwoju Systemu Edukacji (Foundation for the Development of the Education System) (www.etwinning.pl)
- The International Centre for Trainings and Competences LLC (SYNTEA) (http://en.syntea.pl)
- Direcçao Geral de Inovaçao e Desenvolvimento Curricular - Ministério da Educaçao (Directorate-General for Innovation and Curricular Development) Equipa de Recursos e Tecnologias Educativas (ERTE)
(Resources and Educational Technologies Team) - www.erte.dgidc.min-edu.pt/etwinning
- Centro Protocolar De Formaçao Profissional Para Jornalistas (www.cenjor.pt)
- Learn4U Consultoria (www.learn4u.com.pt)
- Sindicato dos Jornalistas (www.jornalistas.online.pt)
- ANESPO – Associaçao Nacional de Escolas Profissionais (www.anespo.pt)
- Žilinská univerzita (University of Zilina)
- Center RS za mobilnost in evropske programe izobraževanja in usposabljanja - CMEPIUS (Centre of the Republic of Slovenia for Mobility and Educational Training Programmes) - www.cmepius.si/etwinning.aspx
- MEB Egitim Teknolojileri Genel Müdürlügü (National Ministry of Education: General Directorate of Educational Technologies) (etwinning.meb.gov.tr)
TEHNE is a member of SEE-ECN, supporting the network in local research and projects. SEE ECN (South East Europe Education Cooperation Network) is developed by Centre for Educational Policy Studies (Slovenia) and KulturKontakt (Austria), within the framework of the Stability Pact for South-East Europe. The project is developing systematic on-line presentations of educational systems in the countries of South East Europe in comparison with the systems of other, mainly European countries. Thus, the project is improving access to information on main changes in the educational systems of particular countries. It improves access to research, legislation, documents, information sets etc. and presents individual experts and institutions. All the data and information are available on the web and are gradually provided in languages of the region covered by the project. (www.see-educoop.net)