Take Part Too - Active Global-Citizens Simulation
TPT - Ghidul utilizatorului (pdf - 312 Kb)
TPT - Ghidul profesorului (pdf - 209 Kb)
Highschools from Romania participating to the Round 3 (October-December, 2006) of the TPT international project:
- Colegiul Economic "Ion Ghica", Bacau
prof. Mihaela Ciuchi, prof. Cristina Stoica
- Colegiul National "Ienachita Vacarescu", Targoviste
prof. Diana Diaconu, prof. Marcela Popescu
- Liceul Teoretic "Grigore Moisil" Bucuresti
prof. Mihaela Garabet, prof. Alexandra Sfarlogea, prof. Ion Neacsu
- Colegiul National "Mihail Sadoveanu", Iasi
prof. Gabriela Conea
- Colegiul de Informatica "Grigore Moisil", Brasov
prof. Cristina Calin
- Liceul Teoretic "Vasile Alexandri" Iasi
prof. Cristina Timu, prof. Ana Maria Fuioaga, prof. Elza Gheorghiu
Highschools from Romania participating to the Round 2 (March-May, 2006) of the TPT international project:
- Liceul Bilingv George Cosbuc, Bucuresti
- Colegiul National Mihai Viteazul, Bucuresti
- Scoala Centrala, Bucuresti
- Colegiul National Cantemir Voda, Bucuresti
- Mark Twain International School, Bucuresti
TPT - Learners' Activities: Proposals and Articles. Monitoring report of the second round (pdf - 880 Kb)

Întâlnirea preliminara TPT - octombrie 2003
The main aim of the TPT project is to empower young people from different European countries to play an active and responsible role as democratic European citizens in the rapidly changing context of our modern learning societies.
This aim is supported by the following objectives:
- To provide young people the opportunity to take active and responsible roles in our multicultural societies by creating an ICT based platform for collaboration, exchanging opinions and decision-making on local and global issues.
- To encourage young people from 14 to 18 years old to develop the knowledge, skills and attitudes they will need as adult members of our global and multicultural society.
- To promote democratic processes and positive attitudes toward cultural, social, ethnic and religious diversity by using simulation activities on topics such as human rights, poverty, gender, migration, inclusion, sustainable development and conflict resolution.
- To provide an efficient computer mediated tool for teachers of 14-18 years old learners involved in the project, for complementing their activities in the field of citizenship education and across the curriculum.
- To explore the possibilities and limitations of ICT in relation to inclusion and the development of democracy and active global citizenship.

Youth Council - Danemarca
The virtual context provided by the platform to be developed within the project will have a strong impact on enhancing the opportunities for 14 to 18 year old learners to exercise their global citizenship. The young people in the project will look together at ways of defining issues and problems that Europe is facing today, as well as working together to find out the best solutions offered by the democratic process. The simulation activities that will be run through the Internet within the project will enrich teachers' pedagogical knowledge and skills. That will help them in using innovative strategies to meet the common intended goals in education for global citizenship. The content of the simulation activities will stimulate cross-curricular approaches, using and complementing the resources offered by other areas of study, and will call for close cooperation between teachers as well as pupils.
The simulation game 'Take Part Too' will be played by 14 to 18 year old learners and their teachers (facilitators) in three different countries. The players in each simulation game are three classes of learners representing each their country. In the pilot-phase the countries are UK, Romania and Denmark.
Take Part Too is a web based simulation game that combines facts and fiction off-line and on-line. It provides a proactive way of using knowledge. It consists of a universe of three existing countries and a 'fictional' or virtual Youth Council. The Youth Council consists of all the participants from the three classes. A number of parallel games can take place at the same time. It is possible for the players in one game to follow the proceedings in other games.
The simulation starts with a fictive question/proposal/dilemma from the European Parliament concerning e.g. democracy, immigration, consumerism and globalisation or conflict. After research including the European Convention of Human Rights, the learners present results on their national web page, discuss attitudes and put forward plans of action from a youth perspective - in the youth council.

Întâlnire TPT - 2004
The website will be published and promoted and will be freely available for all to use. The use of it will be encouraged through bodies such as UNESCO Associated School Network, The British Council, The North-South Centre, the ELIT-e Network and Schoolnetglobal.com. There is further potential to involve other countries, particularly EU accession candidate countries and countries from Africa and Asia, and to develop a World Youth Council.
The project partners:
- Development Education Centre (South Yorkshire) (UK) - project coordinator
- TEHNE - Centre for Development and Innovation in Education (Romania)
- Intuitive Media (UK)
- InsideMedia (Romania)
- The National Innovative Centre of General Education (Denmark)
- The Institute for Educational Sciences (Romania)
- Story Factory (Denmark)
- The Danish Institute for Human Rights (Denmark)
Mai multe informații despre proiect se găsesc la adresa: