E-DRIM - European Dream for Immigrants
E-DRIM is a European cooperation project funded by the European Commission within the Socrates Programme, Grundtvig action.
E-DRIM intends to favor the process of integration of immigrants, especially, but not exclusively, of those who have higher levels of competences, qualifications and professionalism, by supporting their more active role in the society, providing them with learning and lifelong learning initiatives supporting entrepreneurship as a new and alternative path to personal development.
Specifically and concretely the E-DRIM project aims at:
- Designing, developing and validating a personal development methodology and the related toolset and guidelines to support immigrants in the realization of their "dream/life project", by providing them with the socio-cultural mediation, the language training, formal and non-formal learning opportunities and relevant support services for a full development of their active citizenship and entrepreneurship, thereby accompanying them in the realization of their human and social potential (social aim)
- Contributing to the overcoming of existing social stereotypes (which determine that a particular ethnic group is associated with specific professional skills and job opportunities), by promoting the visibility of competences and knowledge patrimonies of immigrants, as well as intercultural dialogue among immigrants, practitioners and other key players in the fields of lifelong learning, labor market, recognition and certification of competences and prior learning outcomes
- Raising awareness on the E-DRIM outcomes among practitioners working in assistance desks and other services which provide legal and institutional assistance, guidance for job search, support for housing, health services, training and learning opportunities
- Promoting collaborative reflection and critical analysis of opportunities for personal development (in different domains of social life, i.e. education, training, employment, entrepreneurship etc.) according to individual "dreams/life projects", in order to enhance social regeneration as well as mobility from a social condition characterized by necessity and heteronomy to a new condition characterized by autonomy and empowerment
- Promoting intergenerational exchange in order to preserve disappearing handcrafts activities and other professions such as those implying services to the person (i.e. care to elders and to children)
The project partners:
- Ente ACLI Istruzione Professionale - Friuli Venezia Giulia, Italy
- SCIENTER Ricerca e Innovazione per la Formazione, Italy
- Gwent Careers Service Partnership Limited/Trading as Careers Wales Gwent, Great Britain
- Instituto Municipal de Formación y Empleo, Ayuntamiento de Granada (IMFE), Spain
- FIM-NewLearning, Germany
- SCIENTER Espana, Spain
- Nova Distance GEMS AB, Sweden
- TEHNE - Centrul pentru Dezvoltare si Inovare in Educatie, Romania
- South East Wales Racial Equality Council (SEWREC), Great Britain
More information about this project can be found at: www.edrim.org