MobiKid - Geographic Mobility and Children School Performance in Europe
MobiKid is a project running between 2005-2007, co-funded through the Action 6.1.2 and Action 6.2 "General activities of observation, analysis and innovation" of the Socrates Programme, as one of its priority themes aiming to tackle learning difficulties in education and training.
Today, professional mobility is viewed as one of the major factors to develop Europe's competitivity on the global stage. Considered as an opportunity to improve the person's ability to take advantage from distant job or academic offers in the Union, or as a mean to reduce the gap between offer and demand on a European-wide labor market, mobility is the central point of personal, regional, national and continental economic dynamism strategy.
The main objectives of the project are to analyse and understand the impact of mobility on academic achievement, considering the problem as a whole, addressing its psychological and sociological dimensions and to come up with practical recommendations and solutions for supporting mobile children.
The main outcomes of MobiKid project, addressing 11 countries of the European Union and Romania are as follows:
- study report on school provision for mobile children
- study report on pedagogical needs of teachers facing underperformance issues of mobile children schooling
- study report on the impact of geographic mobility on academic performance
- good practices compendium about access, integration, management and tracking of mobile children in Europe
- prospective study report presenting advice for a successful education of mobile children and teenagers in Europe
The project partners:
- Lifelong Learning Institute Dipoli, Finland
- FIM-NeuesLernen, Germany
- Lambrakis Research Foundation, Greece
- TEHNE - Center for Innovation and Development in Education, Romania
More information about this project can be found at: www.mobikid.info