Prelude - Training Programme on ICT in Music Education
The PRELUDE project (Training programme for ICT in Music Education) aims to develop an in-service training programme for music teachers who are motivated to learn about, integrate and critically evaluate the use of ICT in music education. A plethora of web-based music material, the proliferation of e-learning modules, music educators' tight schedules between teaching and performing, a growing requirement for music education in remote schools, and an increasing familiarity of young learners with computer and music technology creates a new research area for music education. In this framework the proposed project addresses the needs of music educators who see their fellow teachers benefit from the use of technology and often ask what technology can do for them and how they can get started.
The PRELUDE is expected to help music teachers to increase student's motivation in music practicing, enhance individualised instruction in music teaching and facilitate classroom-based teaching. Computer-based instruction and assessment should be designed to help students set realistic goals and achieve them through systematic yet creative and amusing activities, which in turn generate intrinsic motivation.
The project's implementation is based on a blended training scheme that includes two cycles of school-centred work in order to build a training programme that is based on an extended needs analysis study. Music teachers will continuously give feedback to the project teams about their experiences acquired along with their students. Furthermore, the proposed project will take into account other 'ICT and music education' initiatives in Europe and beyond.
The project partners:
- EA: Elinogermaniki Agogi
- ILSP: Institute for Language and Signals Processing
- ROH: Roehampton University
- WALDING: Enterprise Jens Waldig
- SONIC : The Interactive Institute II AB
- TEHNE: Center for Innovation and Development in Education
- DIMA: Academy of Music "Gheorghe Dima" - Cluj-Napoca
- SEK: SEK-Ciudalcampo
- LeFo: Miksike LearningFolders